• iconKuppandapalayam,Komarapalayam,Namakkal
  • iconrmhsskpm@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 Am to 5 Pm


Achievements in 2019

It was indeed remarkable achievement for Reliance Matric Higher Secondary School with their stupendous performance in the zonal level volley ball match held in the month of August 2019, that our boys and girls won the first and second position respectively. Gokul and Sri Vaishnavi of 6th std from primary section bagged 3rd place in Junior Zonal level Chess Tournament. Junior and Senior students are the champions of Throw Ball. Weslin Raj of XII secured I place, Raaj Surya A S of X std secured II place, Yukesh of XII C1 secured III place in Senior Zonal Level. In District level super senior volley ball,our girls team secured III place among 16 teams.


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Dance class

To strut once stuff

To dance/behave confidently and enthusiastically


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Yoga class

Yoga adds...

years to your life

life to your years

Keep smiling

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Karate class

Empty Hand Mighty Weapon

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Silambam class

Take care of your body it is the only place you have to live

Our sports Gallery